Andre Hakkak Net Worth: The Rise of a Business Magnate

As a prominent businessman and investor, Andre Hakkak has significantly impacted the corporate world. With his impressive track record and diverse portfolio, many are curious about his net worth. In this article, we’ll delve into Andre Hakkak’s career and business ventures and estimate his net worth based on available data.

Early Life and Education

Born in 1974 in Tehran, Iran, Andre Hakkak moved to the United States with his family at a young age. He grew up in Los Angeles and developed an interest in business and finance early on. Hakkak pursued his higher education at the University of Southern California, graduating with a degree in Business Administration.

Career and Business Ventures

Andre Hakkak’s professional journey began in the late 1990s, working in various roles in the finance industry. He quickly made a name for himself as a wise investor and strategic thinker. Hakkak’s breakthrough came when he co-founded Provident Investment Advisors in 2003. Under his leadership, the company achieved remarkable success, managing assets worth millions of dollars.

Hakkak’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to explore other business opportunities. He invested in real estate, technology startups, and a production company. His diverse portfolio showcases his ability to adapt and thrive in different industries.

Net Worth Estimate

Estimating Andre Hakkak’s net worth is challenging due to the private nature of his investments and business dealings. However, based on publicly available data and industry reports, his net worth is estimated to be around $500 million to $700 million.

The following factors support this estimate:

  • Provident Investment Advisors: As the co-founder and former CEO, Hakkak’s share of the company’s assets under management contributes significantly to his net worth.
  • Real Estate Investments: Hakkak’s property holdings, including commercial and residential assets, add substantial value to his net worth.
  • Technology Investments: His investments in startups and established tech companies have yielded impressive returns, further boosting his net worth.
  • Other Ventures: Hakkak’s interests in production, entertainment, and other industries also contribute to his net worth.


Andre Hakkak’s remarkable journey from a young immigrant to a business magnate is a testament to his dedication, intelligence, and strategic thinking. While estimating his exact net worth is difficult, it is clear that he has built a vast fortune through his diverse investments and business ventures. As Hakkak continues to shape the business world, his net worth will likely grow, solidifying his position as a leading entrepreneur and investor.


What is Andre Hakkak’s age?

Andre Hakkak was born in 1974, making him 50 years old as of 2024.

What are Provident Investment Advisors?

Provident Investment Advisors is an investment firm co-founded by Andre Hakkak in 2003.

What is Andre Hakkak’s educational background?

Andre Hakkak graduated from the University of Southern California with a degree in Business Administration.

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